We just got home from Lake Powell and we had a BLAST!! Every summer the Bateman's go to Lake Powell and stay on a houseboat. We had fun with Grandma Grandpa aunts uncles and lots of cousins. Sophie and MJ had the time of their lives. We were so proud of Sophie she absolutely loved swimming in the lake and yes she did cliff jump. Thanks to her Uncle BJ who she absolutely adores she trusted him to jump off a cliff with her in his arms. Sophie and MJ love to be with their aunts and uncles. Here is a picture of Dad cliff jumping a couple of times. We went through so many amazing canyons and enjoyed Grandpa's boat. Wake boarding and tubeing were the big hit. Everyone was trying to master all of their mad skills. Sophie and MJ were so good about wearing their life jackets. Thanks Grandpa, Grandma, Devin, BJ, Bryn, Makayla, Syndey and Robbie for all of your help in making this such a fun trip and helping me to not be stressed out of my mind with two little one's on boats and in water for a week. You are all the Best!
Alright so seriously I have to brag on my little 2 year old. Soph started taking a tumbling and dance class. She is so stinking cute she is the youngest one in the class but she has super good coordination. She has now mastered the forward roll and handstands. Her kartwheels and roundoffs need just a little bit of work. I know these aren't the best pictures but every time I would try and take her picture she would not pay attention. Hmm!! I wonder where she gets that from?
In June the kids and I went with my family to Arizona for a little vacation and to celebrate some big events. It was my cousin Kyle's farewell and my cousin Whitney's darling little girls baby blessing. It was such a fun weekend. Bitter sweet it is hard to say goodbye to our amazing cousin Kyle but he is doing what is right. I absolutely love him and I know that he will be an amazing missionary in Guatemala. Not only was it one of the last times I would see him for two years but My brother Brigg flew in just for the Sunday events and that was the last time I would see him for a couple of months. I love you bro!! I will miss you so much. These are just a few pictures taken I love the picture of MJ pushing Sophie around he is such a little brute!