Sunday, October 25, 2009

Favorite this Week!

So Since it has been a couple of weeks since I updated my blog as you can imagine their have been plenty of favorite things but a couple that stuck out in my mind were:

Today was MJ's first day of Nursery and he seemed to enjoy it. When picking up the kids I asked sophie how it went with MJ in Nursery with her. She smiled and so cutely said in her little voice,"We are good friends"

The other day sophie walked into the bathroom laughing about something MJ had done and said,"Mom that is PRICELESS"

MJ yelling with his dad at the BYU game. Yelling GO GO and Yes at the ONE TOUCHDOWN we scored. Then Mike asking MJ, "MJ are you going to be better than Max Hall?" and MJ answering without hesitation "YEA!"

1 comment:

Whitney said...

HA HA HA!!! The last one with mike and MJ. Im dieing. So funny. I sure hope MJ is better than Max hall. I know him in real life and he is quite the stuck up guy. And in highschool he was quite the user of woman. We wont let MJ do that.